Our Own Hydro
2.8 MW, Central NC
Years: 2001-present
Running Gear: 8 Generators, 2800 kW total installed capacity
Scope: Complete development – control systems, mechanical, electrical, and civil design and construction.
PHT is responsible for managing three of our own hydropower projects, two of which are located at two historic textile mill sites in central North Carolina, on two dams located about 1.5 miles apart on the Mayo River. Purchased in 2001 as partially developed projects, Kevin Edwards (MSME, owner and founder, PHT), and his parents (project owners), continued development from two generating units in 2001, to the completed project with six units and a total capacity of about 2.2 MW in 2006.
PHT continues to provide management, O&M, and engineering services for the projects, which also power the PHT manufacturing shop. The control technology developed by Kevin Edwards for these plants provided the basis for the control systems PHT supplies and continues to develop today.
In 2016, Kevin and Amy Edwards (owners, PHT), also purchased a 600kW former utility hydropower plant in southern NC. In total, PHT is responsible for management of three of our own hydropower plants, for a total of 2.8 MW and eight generating units, in addition to support of PHT supplied control systems at customer owned projects.
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